Can You Cook Frozen Food In an Air Fryer?

Can You Cook Frozen Food In an Air Fryer - Featured Image

The convenience of owning an air fryer cannot be overstated. Sure, they might take up a bit of space on your countertop but the convenience is worth it. So can you cook frozen food in an air fryer? Of course, you can! A resounding yes! Not only can you cook frozen food in it, but … Read more

Can You Put a Silicone Mat in an Air Fryer?

Can You Put a Silicone Mat in an Air Fryer - Featured Image

There are many heat-resistant materials used in cooking and baking products these days. Silicon cooking products have made a big impression on both professionals and amateurs. When it comes to using your air fryer, we’ll answer the question: can you put a silicone mat in an air fryer? The answer is a big fat YES. … Read more

How to Use Perforated Parchment Paper in an Air Fryer

We all know how convenient it is to use an air fryer. You can make it even more convenient when using items that make cleanup a breeze. But easy cleanup isn’t the only reason to use it. This article will talk about why and how to use perforated parchment paper in an air fryer. 8 … Read more

Why Preheat An Air Fryer?

Why Preheat An Air Fryer - Featured Image

Air fryers are amazing appliances that can last for years as long as you treat them well. They are certainly simple enough to use. You may or may not need to preheat your unit. There’s an ongoing debate around whether this is necessary or not. So, why preheat an air fryer? There are many reasons … Read more

Can You Put Parchment Paper in an Air Fryer?

Can You Put Parchment Paper in an Air Fyer - Featured Image

If you have an air fryer, you already know all about the convenience of using it. This is especially true if you have a family with a house of kids. In many cases, you don’t even need to pre-heat the unit. Just add food and turn it on. But sometimes food gets stuck to the … Read more